First day in V&A

This is the first day I begin my MA course

I went to V&A museum, and saw some old computer generated works.

It is AMAZING! At first, I cant believe that there are both digital work when I saw the date of creation. I said,

it looks like a digital work!

Of course they are, they definitely are, and they are the pioneer of digital arts! Cool!

As Colette saids,

“Grass is random and random is a natural computer facility. Computer grass is natural grass”(1980)

Computer is really good at doing something random and repeat . It can do some thing repeatedly during hundred of thousand times, so something complex can be produce which could be a nightmare if did by someone. Random is beautiful, especially something changed with some regular. Something might be interesting because of tiny differences, that’s why some illustrators fall into creating some texture or brush-stroke. Some random variable can be set in computer and used to create delicate shape with thousands of possibilities.

Next time, I might create some work about variable. As a future illustrator, I should use these variable or shape to convey some specific information. Popularity? Geography? Traffic? Whatever they are, a contemporary illustration work should support clearer meaning. Advanced animation technic and colours display could be my good tool to use.

Cheers, for ancient computer and pioneers of digital arts.!

For LCC MA.IVM Reflective Journal
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