Critical Thinking

Critical thinking

lecturer: Rachael Finney

research & writing & presentation

It is a open direction of research in LCC, be confident in research.We Focus on research, identify the method of research.

4 Session

1 Research Slow looking

2 Managing research

3 writing

Focus on the relationship in research report. Support research materials and evidence of development process.

4 Presentation skill
5000 words essay

What is critical thinking

  • make question

When we ask a question, we find the theory or reason of that, and we could get more question. Question could be separated like a tree, deeper and expand

  • To side of something

Critical thinking is not just justifying own opinion, it could require us to look at different point of view.
Is unbridled curiosity more useful than CT? Sometimes curiosity engage us to find question, so we might think about more on original thing, it still encourage us to think and do more research.

Doing critical thinking

  1. Description
  • What
  • Who
  • Where
  • When
  1. Analysis
  • How
  • Why
  1. Evaluation
  • What if…?
  • What next?
  • So what?

We had reaped the rewards of what art historian Jennifer Roberts has called“deceleration, patience and immersive attention.”1 To her students at Harvard, Roberts assigned the task of spending three whole hours in front of the John Singleton Copley painting Boy with a Squirrel. It was an exercise that Roberts herself had performed in her study of the painting, an act of temporal largesse that had yielded insights not readily available in any single passing look. Ventura( 2016) Slow Criticism: Art in the Age of Post-Judgement

For LCC MA.IVM Reflective Journal
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