Seminar: method of research
Translating between different media, in different filed.
practice based research
Do practice as research, collect experience and knowledge in experiment. Think about
- WHY, Why you, why now
- benefit from course
- institution and fund
- application
as PhD working process, some outcome or inspiration could come from different work/ research, it is a loop, artist should consider before work process, and make reflective development.
The elements in research process could be considered as different way, it depends what background/ context it comes from. A artist should connect different elements as narrative group to support information. We see the graphic in image, and analyse the background, story, history of image.
What is document
In my view:
Document could be the article which made with description, image or reference. It show something clear, and can be saved individual. It should be sorted.
Tomas Keenan and Hito Steyler give some description.
To teach, evidentiary proof, They are contested, meanings explored and contrasted.
We have experienced a shift from the document as evidence, to the document as trigger and catalyst of events
Primary sources
P research is original record.
Secondary sources
Writing and understanding from primary sources.
How Analysis
- description
- Things I feel are evoked by or associated with the artefact
- Why chose
- Strength and shortcomings

This work shows a group of symbols. Although they look irregular, actually they are made by strict algorithms that means computer render them by a specific programmer or ruler. This work can be remade thousands times without once completely same group, but they are made with same visual language . The key point in this work is variable which means the work base on essential elements, and they grouped with random way, because of variable.
The reason I appreciate this work is, variable available us to create a work which can be dynamic and random. It can convey multiple emotions and information, because different users might have individual information, so a dynamic work could bring more specific feelings.
This work is made by circles and poly line, they order by algorithm and changed with variable. It shows a strong visual, but it has supported more specific information, that means it merely show graphic and regular, rather then represent a emotion or story. It is only shape. Therefore, in my work, I would like to draw more informative graphic which might show more potential feeling.