What’s poor image
Poor image generally are low quality digital image, which means it is defined base on sharpness and resolution.
Poor image could be more Rich
Poor image contain experimental and artistic materials but also incredible amounts of porn and paranoia. They are popular that can be made and seen by the many
They are easier communicated and stored. There are more people can read poor image because its cheap cost. In addition, everyone can edit image, so people will reedit image to be suitable for themselves.
Poor image give more possibilities whatever good or bad
Digital images are saved by different format and attribute generally but they will lose resolution when they are translated to different format. Furthermore, with editing of users or read, original images might be changed with different style such as colours or tone. After hundreds circulation, it could change to a completely different situation.
in the age of file-sharing, marginalised content circulates again and reconnect dispersed worldwide audiences.
poor images are shared in Internet, increase the speed of dispersion and communication. Because of it can be free, it expand the viewing
The poor image could not be same as original,
it changed situation, information of image: swarm, circulation, digital dispersion(分散,散布), fractured(破裂) and flexible.
After personal editing, original works are realised and destructed by individual methods, so poor images are not original.
The contrast between original image and poor image could be represented by vector image and bitmaps graphic. It might have strong visual.
Poor images are deconstructed by many person as their opinion. So there are infinitive possibilities to change/ edit, understand an original work. In my project, the original information user supported will be translated as their customs.
Glitch art
Sometimes, compression artefact could create some special effect s which have strong style. There are different type of format in compression artefact:
- Aliasing 混叠
- Blur, which include motion blur, defocus blur. Defocus blur include 镜外失焦,湍流 turbulence, 短曝光失焦
- Block boundary artefacts
- Noice 噪点
Glitch art generally are generated by high saturation colours and geometric shape. It could be imitated by simple programmer.
I did a test web by P5.js as the experiment of my project. User can draw block with the motion of mouse.