Think about population
During before visual experiments, I began to think about the growth of population in our planet. As we know, we had have 6 billion population, and this count will increase dramatically in future, as well as the problem from that.
What’s the problem
Does population make problem or improve industry? It depends. If this region have the ability to support suitable education / medical / insurgent, and the most important, the FOOD. Which probably means a rich region’s can generate more population with higher level than poor region. It’s crude, but it is truth. So it would be the problem.
problem in poor region
If compare the income or Disposable income^1 with other region, the lowest level’s region could be seen as ‘poor region’. Pool region can’t support balanced / complete education for people, so they would want have more children , it is not a directly evidence or reason, but basically, the people who have high education would not be going to have 1 more children even 1 child.
We can see this chart, in Japan, the birth rate was decline with the increase of female education rate it could evidence the effect of education rate on birth rate. Furthermore, in my country, pool region generally have a higher birth rate than other region, because in some countrysides, people need more population to join agricultural producing. So it made a tradition.
Low education & High birth rate, these factors might influence the security / environment.
In addition, some serious pool region can’t control the birth growth, might be the people have not enough contraception^3 concept / method, or some religion opinion influence them. So they could face food shortage.
“The problem is that less than 10 per cent of women in these countries are using modern contraception, a strong political commitment to a community-based approach to contraception can sharply slow population growth”
To conclusion, pool region can’t hold a stable education, somewhere even can’t give enough food, but the birth rate was continually / uncontrollably increase.
Problem in rich region
A rich region basically has a high productivity, but it even has a lower birth rate than poor region, even it has higher medical / education condition. But these positive point could be the reason lead low birth rate, people don’t want to have children. This reason can be easily understood, cause children are tiny evils. This phenomenon will lead a result, with the high productivity and low birth rate, the productivity and production will be excess, so rich countries will export their productivity to poor region. It might bring these effect:
- FOOD problem could be solved because of the help from rich countries.
- The market can continue growth.
- More work opportunities
- Global progress improved the communication of culture.
- Local industry will collapse / distinct, even lose sovereignty^4
- Extreme export, such as Fascism
- Capital bubble from Credit
- Negative national competition
To analyse the phenomenon of population’s change, and base on current sciential / political context, I can suppose some theorems ^5 :
- Population will increase infinitively
- Commercial / Education vs. Growth rate is in inverse proportion^6
- Productivity export to Poor region
- Poor population immigrate to Rich region
It could be interesting to imitate the process of population growing by visuals graphic. I’m going to design a programme to imitate that with a specific algorithm which base on these theorems I supposed before. It might show the process of human communication and cultural mix.

Here are some images I made, which use simple logic, but they can show the collection of groups, which have different colours and size, they are becoming bigger from edge to center.
for(let i=1;i<row;i++){
// drawing element on row
for (let v = 1; v < row; v++) {
// drawing element on vertical,y,size)
The basic logic is using twice For circulation,to draw a matrix of points.
More details
During before experiment, I can guess the visuals form in this project. But the most attractive things are those supposition, I can make a range of motional graphics or animation or series of pictures to show the progress of population increase, base on random event but defined rate, can it imitate a kind of process of human multiply? What regular I can find, which I even haven’t set.