
~ 2019-10-21 >>


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Think about Family relationship in China

As the country has the most population in the world, China has a massive base of population (人口基数). What kind of culture supported the increase of population? How do Chinese people solve family relationship. In this break, I went to hometown and visited my ancestors, and during the Tomb-Sweeping Day I observed the change of people missing their ancestors.

Traditional family

Influenced by traditional philosophy and ancient social hierarchies/ structure, family in China is the base structure in society, and the level in family members are important even stereotype. For example, children should follow ancestors’ order or ideas, especially in the past 20 years or countryside, children even been matched to marry.



有一个比较明显的对比我想说一下,日本的家庭和中国的家庭的比较。我们知道,日本是人口老龄化非常严重的国家,并且现在人口增长速度已经为负。即使政府给予了大量的补贴和福利在医疗和教育,国内的生产率还是不见起色。原因其一是,‌女性的教育水平和就业率的增高,越来越多的女性愿意追逐更灵活自在的个人生活,孩子则成为了她们的锁链;其二,‌疏松的家庭关系, 我用了’疏松‘一词来描述日本的家庭关系,意思是,日本家庭成员会相对非常独立,尤其对于后辈来说,日本人习惯很早的就教育孩子的独立意识。很多孩子在幼儿园期间就开始‌自己上下学;到了初中高中,打工赚钱更加是家常便饭;成年后基本都能独立生活养活自己。对比中国孩子,日本孩子确实相当独立,然而,可能会有人说:’小孩儿这么小就独自出行,不怕被拐卖么?‘这个疑问可以引导出我们下一个话题,为什么儿童拐卖的事件在日本寥寥无几,在中国确是重灾区?这就回到了家庭结构,或家庭关系上来了。


Tomb-Sweeping Day

As one of Four traditional holidays in law, Tomb-Sweeping Day (TSD),清明节,is the character which shows the highest respect to senior and ancestors. People will go to the tomb of ancestors, clear weeds and dust, give flower and alcohol; in some traditional area, people will burn fake money for their ancestors to pray the peace of hole family.

TSD shows the respect to ancestors, and this is kind of connection in families. By missing and respect, care parents and seniors, Chinese families generally have strong connection and relationship.





Generate bitmap by Text

Bitmap is the image combined by individual pixel. To reproduce a bitmap, we can analyze each value of pixel. Which means we should get the color of this pixel, when we generate new pixel / graphic, we can use these data, so the new image will looks like the original one.

位图是由像素组成的,为了重绘一个位图,我们要分析每一个像素的数据比如颜色和位置. 当得到那些数据后,在绘制的时候,就能把相对应的数据带入新的像素(这可能是由字符或者别的图形组成的), 这样的新图片看起来就会和原来的图片很像.


In this workshop, I’m going to use HTML and Javascript to build the drawing programme. To control Canvas in HTML5, I used CreateJS to draw and set graphic, which eaiser than original Web canvas API.

Get pixel data

Firstly, we should create image then add it in context of canvas.

let ctx = document.getElementByID('canvas ID').getContext('2d')
let img = new Image()
img.src = 'img/xxx.jpg'


So far, we’ve draw the image on canvas, so we can call getImageData to build a object which save data of pixel in memory.

let imgDt = ctx.getImageData(0,0,img.width,img.height)
// chose a range of area, same as image's size

draw pixel one by one

Before we use these data to draw, we should relize what’s it. getImageData() built a ImageData object, this object has a data attribute, and all of pixel data have saved in there as a Uint8ClampedArray, which only save the number in [0-255]. And our pixel will be analyze the color as RGBA. So each pixel will add a number in this Array.

These a article I read, it analyzed the regular of ArrayLink

other Link

For draw pixel at X and Y axis, we should use two For() loop to create graphic in 2D.

for(let v=0;v<img.width;v++){
    for(let row=0;row<img.height;row++){
        // these two for loop can iterate each pixel
        // key point is to get index from IMGdata

        let index = [v*img.width + row]*4
        imgDt[index] //color R
        imgDt[index+1 ] //color G
        imgDt[index+2 ] //color B
        imgDt[index+3 ] //color A, influence size

        // there're all of pixel data

        let dot = new createjs.Shape()





Source of text

To get some interesing text, I used Google could document, which support user type text by voice. And we can use sunflower to output voice, so the speach will be recorded.


History of conceptual artWhat is art, why it can be an art. Who define it is art. There are many problem we should think about. These conceptual artist both create some innovative / creative even crazy thing, they ask public, what is art....


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